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Professional advice on polls and market research

Your expert guide to polling and opinion research. Get your free copy of this Vector Research special edition today!

Public Opinion and Polling For Dummies

Your expert guide to polling and opinion research
By Marc Zwelling, President, The Vector Poll™

Discover how to:

  • Create the most effective poll questions
  • Convince people to take your surveys
  • Analyze opinion research data
  • Get the most for your research money
  • Hire a professional pollster

The opinion research business is based on one simple concept: the best way to find out what people think is to ask them. Public Opinion and Polling For Dummies shows how you can find out exactly what customers, voters or members expect from you. Learn what you can do with polls, how to ask the right questions, ways to analyze survey data, and how to work with a professional research company — or work for one.

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