Turning Poll Results into Actions

Turning Poll Results into Actions

Vector Research helps you turn polls into ideas and turn questions into practical solutions.

Poll Applications

Turning Questions into Strategies

Marc Zwelling, the president of The Vector Poll™, will work directly with you to tailor a poll or other market research to meet your specific needs (and budget). He will identify the right questions to ask, determine the who, what, when and where of the poll and interpret the results to give you that clear sense of direction that lets you move forward with confidence.

Clients in the US and Canada turn to Vector Research expertise to ...

  1. Assess the market for new products
  2. Help political candidates find vote-getting messages to sell their policies
  3. Get imaginative new ideas
  4. Save money by pre-testing new initiatives in feasibility studies
  5. Get ammunition to use in successful legislative campaigns
  6. Raise employee, membership, voter, shareholder and customer satisfaction
  7. Test advertising before spending scarce ad budgets
  8. Find the most persuasive arguments that win public support
  9. Predict how many non-union employees support an organizing campaign

If you're planning a research project and would like some advice on the best methods to use, the exact costs involved, or anything else, just call or email us. We will contact you soon to discuss your project.

Plan Your Poll